Last Saturday, I just had a wonderful opportunity to be with a group of very generous people who spent a perfect day with 190 kids at the Calangay Elementary School in Sta. Maria. Laguna. These people were kind-hearted, low-profile but highly-influential individuals involved in nation building through values education and character development -- and were willing to share their time, talent and treasure for the people of this flood-damaged community.
These individuals chose to brave the stubborn weekend traffic -- typical in Pasig, Cainta and Antipolo where our route took us but several times compounded as the holidays rushed in -- and spend a perfect day and good weather with the children and people of this community -- slowly picking themselves up from the ravages of Typhoon Ondoy.

Sta. Maria and other towns in this area were heavily affected by the ordeal as flash floods had people fleeing to the mountains -- saving only their lives and the clothes on their backs. Their houses were swept away, crops were destroyed, and school buildings such as the one in Calangay Elementary School turned to rubble. Despite that, they were still grateful that the flooding occurred during the daytime as more lives could have been lost if the incident occurred during the night.

The community is slowly picking itself up through the help of these kind-hearted and very generous souls -- all quick to help but never in a hurry to broadcast these 'projects' as a spectacle for the world to see -- and they wanted to give more. With the help of the teachers, school officials and volunteer parents, a Christmas party and gift-giving session was held -- a simple event that would bring great joy for the children and the rest of the community -- these children, parents and teachers who walk at least 5 miles a day on dirt and gravel roads just to go to school.

Games, dance numbers, and more games -- all the children squealed with delight. The cacophony of joyful sound was brought a notch higher as the birthday cakes were brought out to the delight of the celebrants for the holiday months -- and of course, to the delight of the other kids as well who each got a piece of these delicious cakes.

The kids were awestruck by the volume and types of toys and other goodies they received that day. Pockets lined with candies, various toys in each hand, and a grateful smile on their faces -- all kids went back to their own homes thankful on how the events for the day descended on their simple lives.

Receiving the gratitude of the teachers and parents as well as the priceless joy seen on the faces of the children, our group headed back to our transport -- all eager to come back to the place and share more of our time, talent and treasure for this community.

As we headed back to our urban abodes, not even the horrendous traffic dampened the sheer joy and satisfaction that was in the hearts of each member of our group. Everyone enjoyed the trip and experience and couldn't wait for the next schedule to come. As our vehicle zigzagged through the steep mountain trail going back to Antipolo and through the heavy traffic in Cainta and Pasig -- it got me thinking as to who received the bigger sense of gratification from it all -- the kids or us.
I'm sure I did -- and a big portion at that!

December 12, 2009
Peter Allan C. Mariano
The Big NM - Network Management for Filipinos
Links2Prosperity Marketing - Web Marketing : Web Content : Web Design
Entreplink Philippines - Moderator
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