Einstein said that the greatest thing was compound interest. What is compound interest? You earn interest on not only the principal but also on the interest earned. Interest on the interest. Who created the concept of compound interest? God. If God created it for the financial world then would not He also apply that same principle to spiritual things? Paul wrote to the Ephesians,
“Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen”
(Eph 3:20-21).
Neither God’s love nor power is limited by our imaginations.
God does not subtract or add but multiplies and He does not just multiply but multiples at a compound rate. What is God’s interest rate? Five percent? No! A thousand percent or a million percent, whatever the need. Did He not multiply the loaves and fishes to feed 5,000 men plus women and children?
When God gives you revelation knowledge and you put it into practice, He gives you not only new revelation knowledge the next day or moment, but also revelation knowledge applied to the revelation knowledge He just gave you. That is compounding. Just as your savings account does not just sit in a bank vault but the banker invests it in means of production, so we must first acknowledge the gifts and blessings God gives us and second, put them into practice. But just as the banker needs the initial deposit with which to work with or to apply interest, we need to study and meditate on the Scriptures in order for God to have something with which to work and begin to compound.
Revelation knowledge is not a dead end street. But as we receive revelation knowledge, it opens new doors to further revelation knowledge. Remember that Peter, by revelation knowledge, declared that Jesus was the Christ (Matt. 16:16). We can apply the same principle to our initial salvation experience. It is not an end in itself but the beginning of our Christian walk and a glorious relationship with Jesus Christ. The gifts of the Spirit likewise are not ends in themselves but the beginning of a means to help us bless the body of Christ and to give glory to God.
God not only gives us blessings but blesses (compounds) those blessings. He not only grants us holiness but compounds that holiness with a holy application of that holiness. What about grace? God not only gives us grace but graces (compounds) the grace He has just given us.
As we receive the love that God imparts to us, and we reach out to others with that love, God compounds that love by heaping new forms of love on our very acts of love. The same principle applies to joy, peace and other characteristics of the Christian life God gives to us. Let us rejoice for His unspeakable, exceeding, abundant love for us.
© Richard Rundell
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